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SH275 Irrad. Polyolefin


#SH275 Heat Shrinkable Irradiated Polyolefin Tubing MIL-I-23053/5
#SH275 Heat Shrinkable Irradiated Polyolefin Tubing MIL-I-23053/5
When exposed to heat 194°F/90°C the tubing shrinks 50% in diameter, with 5% longitudinal contraction. Controlled shrinkage to exact requirement takes place. All Purpose · 2:1 · AMS-DTL-23053/5, CL 1 & 2
#SH275 Heat Shrinkable Irradiated Polyolefin Tubing MIL-I-23053/5,-1
#SH275 Heat Shrinkable Irradiated Polyolefin Tubing MIL-I-23053/5,-1
When exposed to heat 194°F/90°C the tubing shrinks 50% in diameter, with 5% longitudinal contraction. Controlled shrinkage to exact requirement takes place. All Purpose · 2:1 · AMS-DTL-23053/5, CL 1 & 2